My juices aren't flowing, per se, in the realm of bloggation, but I've provided an array of pictures as the main form of stimuli for the general public to enjoy to make up for these non-juices.
I haven't really commented much on school lately, SO here goes a shot. My nerves have left me (se me salierion), thank goodness, so it's now easy for me to mess up my Spanish or make the niños laugh without me getting frustrated, embarrassed, or self-conscious. I feel like I have more of a grasp on the "listen to me, I'm teaching you something" versus "I want you to like me as your friend" tension. Although the attitude of the kids hasn't really changed in their un-interest to learn the language, they at least want to get to know me, which helps things go smoothly all around. Soon, I'll bring my camera to school to take pictures of these punks. They sport mohawks, gelled up boy-hair, rat tails, mullets, eyebrow and lip and tongue piercings, you name it. Plus, they LOVE wind suits. I guess I have no room to talk though, my wardrobe consists of wal-mart Vnecks and converse shoes. (actually that's quickly becoming not true, i just bought 2 pairs of skinny jeans-which is hilarious considering my legs are very calfy and quaddy)
Anywho, it's going well. I think I could be more creative in lesson planning, but it's difficult to find a blanket-covering lesson for the differing ages. Any and all suggestions for ESL lesson plans, or generic creative ideas would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. **think continuous present and past verbs**
Here is a peek at the last two weeks. It's [almost] Tuesday. Did you bring your coat?
This is the wall of lights at Corte Ingles in downtown Malaga. The lights were FANTASTIC, and totally put me in the Christmas spirit!
Thanksgiving dinner guests!! 1 Latvian, 5 Spaniards, 1 German, 6 Americans total! Beautiful, bountiful banquete of celebration.
Cliffs of Nerja. aaand the Mediterranean. and i don't know why it's underlining everything now.
Is this reallll??? sick. All I can say is thank for the clinical strength, B.
*I've been harrassed by rando Senegalian man
*I've come to better understand the weight and worth of God's faithfulness in ALL situations
*I'm learning to show grace, where my flesh wants to show anything but grace sometimes.
*I've been brought to my knees in how thankful I am for the blessings I daily receive.
(I think all of these bullet-points deserve their own blog. these one-liners do their weight no justice.)
and I love Jesus more today than yesterday. Thank God for that. Thank God for purpose, for His Kingdom, for REJOICING.
Happy December Folks!