I need one of those cute little heart-pins (preferably one in every language)that says "I Am Loved". Truly, I am.
Here's the story:
(I thought I was going with Julie Chitty to pick up Broun from the airport on Saturday morning. Julie and I wanted to get together one more time before I was MIA the entire week with my love. The story begins on Friday, March 27, 2009)
Julie Chitty was late picking me up for our planned evening of "dinner and shopping". When she didn't arrive at her planned 8:30PM time, I started getting a little worried. She is probably the most punctual person I know (the opposite of ALL Spaniards).Finally, 9:15 rolled around and she texted me with "sorry, Emily had a dirty nappy, I'll be there in a second!" I calmed down a bit, and she arrived with the girls (2yr old Mikayla and 8month old Emily) around 9:30.[In my head, I found it a bit weird that the girls weren't well on their way to sleep by this point..]We made our way towards El Ingenio (the local mall/movie theater) where we had originally planned to do our night's outing. Julie quickly chimed in with "Oh! Michael (her hubby) has phoned me and asked me to pick up some discs for his English radio program. The only place that sells them is in Nerja! Do you mind if we go to Nerja and grab a wee pizza?" I obliged, even though I was so anxious for the next day-- I was ready to be in bed dreaming of the week to come! Nerja is just a 20 min drive down the coast.
Finally, after Julie told me the story of getting pulled over by the police on her way to pick me up, we arrived in Nerja. I waited in the car with the girls while Julie made her way to the "disc office" to find out it was "closed". She came back to the car saying she would later "ring Michael's neck" for making her go! So we got the girls in their pram and slowly sauntered up the streets of Nerja until we reached the center--donde esta the church and the Balcon de Europa.
We were slowly deciding on a restaurant when all of a sudden a woman with a wine bottle approached me, and in Spanish said "this is for you, some man told me to give this to you but I don't know why". Then she disappeared! I was so very confused. I looked inside the bottle and it was empty except for a note. I opened it up to find a clue written in Broun's handwriting. Immediately, I freaked out, not knowing what the heck was going on, and trying to get ANYTHING out of Julie who was a locked vault (I'm sure her years in the N.Irish police force helped with the stone cold face she had!). I got nothing out of her, and the clue made me think Broun still wasn't coming until Saturday because the poem threw me off a bit. Finally, after nagging Julie and not finding the next clue, we continued walking along the balcony and Julie made a sly nod over to our right hand side. I looked in that direction--where I saw several candles on the ground with another note in between them! Clue #2!
At this point I figured Julie was in on it for sure but i didn't know any details, of course. This clue led me to the steps of the church, where I found my 3rd and final clue...however, this clue had been burned mistakenly by the candles that surrounded it--so it was completely illegible! hah! Julie politely led me to the archway to the left of the Balcon and told me I should go down by myself (all candles, wine bottle, and purse in hand). [NOTE: I did notice a strange man following me around with a camera phone who would look away every time I glanced over at him! Also, a couple on a bench that Mikayla conveniently befriended whilst I was finding my clues...]
So I made my way down the stone steps to the beach, where I saw one more candle indicating my path. I looked up to the Balcon to find Julie, Mikayla & Emily, Strange man with camera, Spanish woman with wine bottle, and the convenient couple all standing and witnessing my every step. Julie motioned for me to keep going, so I did. I came to a huge boulder with a group of Dutch people on it who said NOT a word while they all simultaneously pointed in my continuing direction. Weird, I know. I followed their point and found a cove, lined with more candles, down to the crashing beach. Broun was standing there waiting. I was shaking.
I said "Oh my gosh" as I ran up to him, dropped EVERYTHING in my arms, and gave him a gigantic embrace. After about 5 minutes of soaking each other in and me still only suspecting all the lead-up to be a surprise-Broun [since he surprises me ALOT, and he's the only prize I want anyway =)], Broun told me to close my eyes because he had another surprise for me. He handed me a rose and immediately got down on both of his knees and asked me to be his wife!! I fell to my knees as I hugged him and cried "duh!". Then he pulled me back and kissed me! Oh my heart was overwhelmed with emotion and thanksgiving!
We then sat and prayed and thanked God for His incredible favor and faithfulness toward us. After, we ate a wonderful picnic put together by the fabulous Julie Chitty--bread, champagne, wine, cheese, chocolate, fondue, and fresh strawberries! So amazing. Broun finished off the evening by washing my feet and telling me he wants to serve me for the rest of our lives...
Needless to say, it was the best night. Followed by the best week. I'm so excited to learn and love with Broun until we no longer have breath in our lungs! My heart is so full!
Oh what Joy and Hope fill my soul!
and, here's the ring.