Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 1 - Travels

I left from Houston at 11:20 AM on Saturday to connect in Dallas to connect in Chicago to connect in Madrid to finally arrive in Sevilla around 13:00PM a day later. The flights were surprisingly turbulent-free sans the last leg, and seemed to pass rather quickly (given the 18 hour time window I was promised with my $1600 itinterary). We were all greeted and taken captive by the CIEE staff in Sevilla, and driven to the hotels.

I´m rooming with Ellie, the only other girl placed in my region, and she´s from North Carolina. She graduated from Rhodes in 2006, and since has been searching for her life´s calling as a job-holding American woman. Maybe perfecting her Spanish will put a stamp on her resumé in 8 months, who knows?

I´ve met boo koos of people today (yesterday now) from all over the EEUU with all sorts of degrees. It´s pretty hilarious, if you ask me. I´d say on the freak-out scale, I´m a 3 compared to these girls. It seems like everyone has cried at least once, and questioned the entire purpose of their being here as well. Unfortunately, my 3 on the Richter scale of Spain came/comes from my lack of sleep/food and the low energy I´m able to put forth at this time. Especially in meet and greet situations.

We beign our official schedule of events for orientation at 8AM tomorrow morning. Not to worry, though. There is always time for a siesta or two. Hopefully there will be more means of communication available soon so my heart and soul don´t perish this early in the marathon.

My spirit is pretty low right now, but I have hope. It´s only day 1, and I think it woudln´t be day 1 without a huge knock in the head, right? Right. I miss everyone too much already. And I need sleep. Buenas noches mis amantes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This is Georgia font, which I find to be most appropriate given my family's rootage. yes, rootage. 

So, I'm going to be completely honest, although it might become quickly obvious, that I've never blogged before. The idea of journaling online is hilarious to me, because I normally journal in a journal where my thoughts are stored for no one to read. However, I'm willing to take all of my proverbial clothes off for all of you lovely readers to see me somewhat naked. 

Things are starting to look and feel more real to me now in terms of Spain. I picked up my Visa just yesterday from the Spanish Consulate in Houston, and now my time and worries will most likely be shifted to packing (hopefully). Actually, worrying is overrated. When it comes to worrying, for me, there is physical, tangible evidence. My bowels go cray cray, and I end up wondering why it came to that. Worrying is a lack of trust of my gracious Savior. If I truly believe that my King is sovereign and Holy, and perfectly ordains each of my days, then His transcending peace should be a blanket on my shivering body. So, for today, I pray against any worry that may come my way whilst preparing for a new season of life. 

Isn't it strange that we chunk up our lives into "seasons"? We look to the next phase, to prepare for it, or worry about it, when our today is just a means to an end. Why are we trying to control our time? It really isn't ours to begin with. What a gift even today is. This new sun, these new conversations, a new opportunity to see Christ in His glory and work for His kingdom! 

I think I'm projecting. Nonetheless, hopefully we don't get trapped in tomorrow, today.

arivaderci, folks. Happy Tuesday!